So how would I describe the gameplay of PURIN TO OHURO? I know it sounds crazy, but Punch Out is the best comparison that I can think of for this game! You get into the tub and then you and Purin start fighting! You can hit left, right, block and dodge, just like in Punch Out! There are no special attacks (well at least that I could figure out) and the idea is that you knock her out so she falls into the tub or she beats you and manages to run away. Purin To Ohuro V2 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro Vl X64 Dvd.

Oh, by the way, why is Purin taking a bath in a bikini? Unleash Your Inner Little Mac! The rest of the bathroom is pretty basic looking, but the steam effect to show that the bath is nice and warm is pretty neat. She is an anime style chick and she is animated well and I like that she has this feisty personality.

The main character, Purin is designed very well and she is certainly very easy on the eyes. While the game takes place in a bathroom and a bathtub, I still think that despite not a great deal going on, PURIN TO OHURO is a good looking game. A forgoten game from a forgoten era,if someone wants to continue developing it you can,it runs on unity. I think that we the player are peeping in on her and as you would expect, Purin is not exactly thrilled about this and is willing to throw hands in order to be able to take a bath in peace! The thing is, I am not sure if our aim is to actually see her naked, bang her or just to take the bathtub for ourselves! Anime Girls Are Cray-Cray!